Worship is a response to God’s character.  It includes music, but goes beyond music to include our entire lives (Romans 12:1-2).  We sing for God’s glory, not ourselves, but as we glorify God, we are blessed by who He is and experience a fuller sense of communion with Him.



Words matter because God speaks.  God is not dead, distant, or absent, but present.  He communicates with us through His Word — through Scripture (which records His revelation to mankind) and ultimately through His Son (the Living Word).  We are not seeking God in a vacuum of silence.  God has spoken, revealing Himself to us, and for that reason, we have hope.



Witness is a crucial part of why the church gathers.  The Church exists to glorify God by gathering as one body:  to love God and the people He has made,  to develop followers of Jesus Christ from all people groups, and to edify one another through the Holy Spirit.  While we can encounter God individually, the Church is God’s idea, and for that reason, we should gather together.  Our witness to God’s grace includes the sacraments, personal testimony, and evangelism.

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